It is now two months since IMO head Koji Sekimizu pledged that his organisation would halve the number of seafarer deaths in the next two years- and, to boot, eradicate piracy by 2015. There is a strong possibility that his was just an administrator’s sound-bite, of course, short on substance and long on rhetoric. Whatever. I should remind the IMO that a twelfth of Sekimizu’s self-allotted time over the seafarer death issue is already over- and as for piracy, it has actually escalated over the last two months, especially off West Africa. Sekimizu’s statement had hit the headlines in the maritime press two months ago; it is time to start wondering, methinks, if there are any teeth behind the words.
Unfortunately, the simple fact is that shipping does not
have a clue- or a structure- that can effectively and practically handle issues
that the IMO honcho has pledged to control. Shipping does not even have
reliable statistics to understand the extent of the problem. The figures of a thousand
odd annual seafarer deaths Mr Sekimizu quoted in January are shots in the dark;
he admitted as much when he said that the figures were “neither accurate or
comprehensive,” and he caused at least my eyebrows to rise with his opinion that
the IMO
should set up an official system to collect and collate casualty information. We
don’t need more administration of life-threatening issues, Mr Sekimizu; we need
solutions instead.
reality is that systems in shipping, including at the IMO, are not set up to
pursue either safety or security. Clueless administrators, uncaring Flag States
and an industry ridden with short-sightedness, a culture of penny pinching and
conflicting interests combine to churn a cocktail that freezes the already
impotent system- and, consequently, makes it even more dangerous for seamen out
at sea. Owners switch flags if pushed, States stall, administrators continue to
administer the ludicrous or are complicit in corruption. Everybody spews
homilies while sailors continue to die or be taken hostage at sea.
“The problem is the industry and the people who work in
it,” Allan Graveson from Nautilus says. I could not agree more.
I assume Mr
Sekimizu was serious when he made that statement in January. If so, maybe I could remind him that a
system- like a cleanup- should start from the top if it has to succeed. First
of all, the IMO needs to start building up momentum- on a war footing- to
ensure that the international shipping community commits to safety and security.
For example, issues such as seafarer fatigue (directly linked to many
accidents), lifeboat drill casualties, container weight misdeclarations,
moisture content in ore fines et al cannot be addressed even remotely
satisfactorily if international or national legislators and administrators are
checkmated by commercial or regional interests, or compromised by corruption.
The people who purport to be at the apex of decision making must be on board
this initiative; if they cannot be or will not be, then the whole exercise is
As far as
piracy is concerned, the systemic solutions here are, frankly, beyond the scope
of the IMO and Mr Sekimizu; he has to involve IMO parent- the United Nations-
to get anywhere worthwhile. I am afraid the UN’s history is not very
encouraging either; its report card is littered with Fs in almost any country into
which it has dipped its toes. Nonetheless, the UN is all we have, and the IMO-
with the member states of the UN- must formulate a SOP wherever pirate
incidents occur- and they will occur more and more, because the Somalis and the
Nigerians have shown every wannabe criminal in the world a business model for
raking in big bucks at relatively low risk. Unless international systems are
robust, timely and practical, and unless we have standard operating procedures
in place that will automatically apply to any new piracy zone, we will continue
to dither while our seamen die.
the gravy train of anti-piracy will be another big test for Sekimizu.
I am
afraid that the ambitious time targets set by Mr Sekimizu- two years and 2015-
are never going to be met. The IMO Chief would do very well if- in the next two
years- he can just get the international community on board on security and
safety issues and do the simple things that need to be done in a concerted and
honest manner. If Sekimizu is serious, he needs to start now, because his
effective power and his ability to make a difference will wane as his term as
IMO head winds down later.